Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Analysis- JFK

          President John F. Kennedy stated that the steel industry is making America into a country that contradicts itself. Kennedy is saying that the prices of the steel is causing and will cause complications in the economy. Kennedy uses parallelism, a sympathetic tone, and diction persuade the steel industry to undo the increase of steel.
          When Kennedy is holding this conference, he uses parallelism to emphasize his purpose of the conference Kennedy says “when we are confronted with grave crises in Berlin and Southeast Asia, when we are devoting our energies to economic recovery and stability, when we are asking Reservists to leave their houses and families for months or end, and servicemen to risk their lives.” By talking about the military using phrases like “devoting our energies to economic recovery” which gives hope to the people of the U.S so it convinces the people because of recovery. Other presidents like Abraham Lincoln uses parallelism in his Gettysburg Address which makes the diction and the way he would talk in his speech persuade and win people to his side which aided both JFK and Lincoln into getting what they wanted. Parallelism affects the effectiveness of the speech as well as the way he uses his words. When he says “the American people have a right to expect in return for that freedom, a higher sense of business responsibility for the welfare of their country...” JFK uses words like “freedom,” “higher,” and a phrase “responsibility for the welfare” to win people over and to persuade the steel companies to contribute to his ideas.
          President Kennedy then uses the sympathetic tone while explaining how it would affect the Americans. “The cost of steel is imitated by the rest of the industry, instead of rescinded, it would increase the cost of homes, autos, appliances, and most other items for every American family. It would seriously handicap our efforts to prevent an inflationary spiral from eating up the pensions of our older citizens...” The diction is related to the sympathetic tone because of the way he purposely used the category of the people “older citizens” who affects the thoughts and opinions of the younger people. The younger citizens will eventually become the older ages citizens.

          Also another statement he said that had effective diction is his last sentence: “some time ago I asked each American to consider what he would do for his country and I asked the steel companies.”

1 comment:

  1. The writer includes an interesting hook. However, the writer needs to lengthen the intro paragraph. Listing the rhetorical devices would weaken the writer's essay. The writer clearly states the purpose of President Kennedy's speech. The writer goes into depth on the rhetorical devices such as, "he uses parallelism to emphasize his purpose of the conference." The essay also includes an analogy to "Other presidents like Abraham Lincoln." The writer uses long quotes instead of smaller portions or sections. The AP readers want to see your writing style and not how you use the quotes. Overall, the essay has a nice flow and clearly states and support the writer's claim.
