Thursday, January 29, 2015

Civil Disobedience

Civil disobedience occurs when people nonviolently break the law to achieve justice. There are laws that are only for the minority of the population that should not have been imposed but instead, the supreme court was partial to the lower class while favoring the upper. During the 1960s there were laws that caused segregation which was biased towards the African Americans. Famous historical figures put their lives on the line to set an example and impact the future generations. Laws should be made so that it applies to everyone without any exceptions.

A gifted activist, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi led a nonviolent movement that inspired Martin Luther King Jr. to become a civil disobedient activist as well. Gandhi, knowing his people, resorted to justifications without violence. He knew that his people would not fight using violence despite the fact that the British used violence towards them. Gandhi had a philosophy, "Satyagraha," which are two words in Sanskrit. "Satya" meaning truth and "Agraha" meaning holding firmly to so the name of his philosophy, Satyagraha, literally means "holding firmly to truth." However, Satyagraha, in Gandhi's definition, is "the Force which is born of Truth and Love or non-violence." This philosophy not only pertained to the civil disobedience but it also viewed that the struggle involved in Satyagraha is a spiritual journey with nature. The Indians refused to pay salt taxes due to its absurdly expensive price. In order to aid his people Gandhi led a movement known as the Salt March. Gandhi and his followers defied the British policy by marching to the Arabian Sea to make salt using sea water. Over sixty thousand people were arrested as well as Gandhi. When he got out of prison he met with Lord Irwin. They negotiated so Gandhi ordered the stop of Satyagraha and settled with Gandhi to be a representative at at a London conference about India’s future. On that year of August, Gandhi traveled to the conference as the sole representative of the nationalist Indian National Congress. Even though the meeting was a disappointment, the British leaders had admitted that Gandhi was a force they could not suppress or ignore. India’s independence was finally granted in August 1947. This shows that words have a huge effect on people. Although actions speak louder than words, the fact that Gandhi did not use unnecessary actions that would generate the outcome to be disastrous.  

“Pride makes a victorious nation bad-tempered.”(On Nonviolent Resistance, Gandhi). This quote emphasizes how pride causes one to trample on his or her character and virtue. Gandhi said that even though the war may have been won, the main reason for the war still remains and it has not disappeared. The war continues after the defeat because there is always the effect that lingers. There are emotional and mental scars that are left behind. The reason is still there causing the issues to grow “a thousand times more”. What happens during the war can affect the future even post to the war because this can lead to the fall of a country as well as terrifying consequences. With this possibility, a nation may not be able to rise which would result to the defeat of the country.

    Another powerful historical figure that was prominent throughout African American history named Martin Luther King Jr. He went to jail in Birmingham, Alabama for protesting regarding the treatment towards blacks. Martin Luther King Jr. used his words to encapture the minds of others. While King was in jail he wrote “Letter from Birmingham City Jail” which powerfully explained the discriminations towards African Americans. King wrote in his letter, “there is nothing wrong with an ordinance which requires a permit for a parade, but when the ordinance is used to preserve segregation…”(pg. 246). This indicates that it was extremely difficult for blacks to live in Birmingham because of all the racism and segregation. The reasoning for the imprisonment (the denying the right to assemble and protest) of Martin Luther King Jr. was rather unnecessary and immoral. King utilized a nonviolent civil disobedient act in response to the cruel actions of the whites. He incorporated religious and placid words to convey his message towards the people. The restrictions that the African American had to endure in public facilities not only frustrated them but also led to civil rights movements. These movements that involved thousands of people created a bigger impact through history because it pressured the government to make changes. The African Americans was not going to take in all the wicked slandering and belittlement from the whites. Instead, all of them stood strong and firm to prevent them from falling. An important thing to note is that the main thing that held them together was cooperation and unity.

    During an interview with Howard Zinn, he states that there are two reasons for injustice but one being that “they feel that they have no alternative.” (pg. 220) There are people who have to surrender to the government cause the people do not do anything about the unjust laws that are inflicted upon them. The issues of unjust laws would only be more corrupted if violence was involved. “We have seem mass movements overthrow dictatorship without war or massive violence.” (pg. 221) Howard Zinn describes how mass movement is incredibly effective. Not only will nonviolence “avoid the horrors of war” but it is also more of “a step in the direction of justice.” (pg. 221) I learned that Howard Zinn himself used civil disobedience tactics which resulted him to be arrested throughout his life. Howard Zinn said if you are trying to impact the world by making changes look at the history of the United States. The methods that brought changes to the United States may be  corrupt but not all of them. Supposedly we have a democracy, so we elect representatives and we elect a president every four years. However, this does not help the black people in this country. That's why people had to turn to the streets in order to begin to get anything and it did not help workers.

In order to create changes for the better while considering the future generations, our historical figures used moral methods instead of rash actions and decisions. The movements that were tremendously effective involved civil disobedience and if it was successful then even the outcome would be peaceful. However, even after there is a victory from a war, the damage the war costed nourishes another issue. Although the government gives restrictions, the citizens should ethically fight for their rights like the way gay marriage became legal recently. Look at the changes that were able to happen without using rabid actions.


  1. Your thesis is clearly stated and your historical evidence helps support your main idea. You also have citations that helps convey your view on the topic. Overall the essay is well worded and structured.

  2. Your essay on civil disobedience grabs the audience really well. All your claims are supported by accurate historical evidence which are further backed up by citations.

  3. The essay on civil disobedience is good. The writer started out with a strong thesis and continued to support it with evidence. Multiple sources are stated throughout the essay and completely supports the essay. The ending was getting weak and but stayed strong until the end.
