Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Question 1: Green Living

Green living is more beneficial to our society’s future. It is the future generations that will carry on our traditions, advance the world, and live in this world. The Earth must be changed for the better. There is never an unlimited amount of anything in live so resources must be used considerately. Resources are live people’s lives. People don’t live forever so during the time that they are alive they need to accomplish something and those people can go green so that they don’t leave more damage than there is already because it will be their children and grandchildren who will have to live in a world that is already corrupted.
Although we know that is everyone went green in the world it is a “utopian ideal” which “must aspire if life is to continue on this planet”(Source A). Without the mindset or goal of creating or fixing the world, our species will become extinct. Our colossal consumption of natural resources may be the fall of our planet. If the amount of natural resources become scarce, that affects everything else. It will be a domino effect. If a part of the chain is broken then everything else that is connected to the chain will not be something that mankind would be able to control. Also the fact that all the natural resources are being consumed indicated that the world is being harmed and it’s only a matter of time before Earth disappears. This is not a benign problem and it affects extraordinary things like the climate.
As the years have gone by, global warming, which a handful of scientists who believe it is a myth, occurred and is still going on today. The icebergs are melting and we are running out of clean water. Animals that use the snow and ice as land or even as homes are suffering and dying. The climate changes are caused by the natural resources we are using. Although the technological advancements are the beneficial consequences of the use of natural resources as well as the improvement of medicine, all this also leads to the “rapid population growth [that has] converged in a way that could make our planet dangerously unstable.” (Source C). The world is getting “hot, flat, and crowded.” (Source C). This is a sign that people have to start doing their part as a student must do a part by cleaning up after themselves in school. Plastic bottles and cans are being recycled and picked up is a indeed benefitting the Earth but it is because there is a motivation. That motivation is money. This has a similar concept as the Singaporean governments.
In Singapore, in order to use a car there are requirements that must be fulfilled and it involves money. There is an “annual tax that specifically punishes high powered gas-guzzling engines.” (Source B). The expensive prices of gasoline and the scarcity of gas leads to the people of singapore to ride the subway or the bus which is an ecofriendly way to get to destinations. These policies help the world as well as the people. They save money while helping the world become a better place. Although money affects the decision of the people, money motivates people. Not only can the people benefit economically but also physically. “Drive sensibly. Aggressive driving (speeding rapid acceleration and braking) wastes gasoline.” (Source F). Driving safely is a benefactor to people’s lives because it creates a safer environment scientifically and for everyone in the community. Plus insurance bills would not go up and there would not be outrageous hospital bills and a ridiculous cost to fix your car for those who do not have insurance. It even may be possible that gasoline won’t be necessary because of the technological advancements occurring.

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