Tuesday, May 26, 2015

LA Times Found Poem

Uber does not follow safety protocol.
We should stop Uber once and for all.
Destroying other company’s reputation
leads to the suing of the corporation.

“Uber Technology advertises itself as the safest rides”
However, we know this is a lie so we won’t let this slide.

“The deceptive advertising… has caused significant harm”
This truth is an alarm.
A six year old girl was hit by a car because of the mistake of a driver.
And she wasn’t a survivor.

Lien, Tracy. “Uber Sued Over Safety Claims.” La Times. 19 March 2015. C,C7

Question 3: Thomas Paine

In England, an author named Thomas Paine proclaimed America as an incredibly successful and joint country because America has diversity and the Americans were united. There is diversity but there is racism as well as unjust political, social ,and economical issues. Paine describes America as an united and concord country but in reality it isn’t. There is corruption in the government and amongst the people.
           Paine states that “simple operation of constructing government on the principles of society and the rights of man, every difficulty retires, and all the parts are brought into cordial unison.” The government will have problems whether it may be because of the people or bis businesses. The government will negotiate or use propaganda. The purpose of propagandas was to bolster the pride as U.S. citizens while dehumanizing the enemy. Now days television commercials and even the 6 o’clock new is like propaganda and it influences the people of the United States immensely. In the news industry there is something called video news release which is when public relation firms create pretaped news release that is used to advertise a company without the public knowing or even noticing. The production would look exactly like the 6 o’clock news. The videos that are being shown through the news can be old stories too; however, the audience doesn’t know this. The news companies will use these videos to show the watchers that a certain product helps cure cancer and that it is beneficial to their health. This is how the public relation firms advertise the stocks of a company. Although this is absurd, the people watching the news easily believe the program. Companies know that if a CEO or someone from the company approaches a potential customers to advertise a product, it is less likely that the company’s profit will increase. Instead corporations utilize famous anchors on the news or scientists or doctors to say something about the product that may be only 5% true. This is a similar tactic that is used to shift public opinion. Even the government utilize this strategies like this. These tactics are used so that the people of the government could get what they want. Most of the congressmen are incredibly wealthy. They want to benefit themselves by putting out these clips.
         During World War I, President Woodrow Wilson used the sinking of the ship, Lusitania, in order to shift public opinion. He wanted the people to be for the war because the U.S. military can not go into war without the approval of the Americans. The Germans were notified that the Lusitania has weapons under the floorboard because there were German spies in the government. However, the U.S. has spies in the German government so even though the U.S. knew that the path of the Lusitania was infested by German u-boats, the U.S. let the ship sail. This resulted of the death of 128 Americans out of 1,200 people that was boarded on the ship and died. This proves not only is there corruption in local news and businesses but also in the government as well. The decisions that the government makes is supposed to benefit the people of the United States but it doesn’t. The decisions are made so that the people of the government get things their way. The lies of the government are successful because the people controlling the government continuously utilize these tactics so that the people side with the government.
            Paine mentions that America is “concord” and that there are “people from different nations,” but the racism that occurs throughout the United States proves that there isn’t harmony in the U.S. The police brutality, the anti sentiment during the 9/11 incident, and other events indicate that there is hatred towards each other. The fact that the word xenophobia also exists shows that there are people that fear foreigners. During 9/11 and even now there is a hatred and disliking towards the Saudi Arabians and Israelites. The Arabians would be deported back and they would not be able to get jobs or they would be fired. Also if Arabians lived in the Unites States before this incident, they would still be affected. Not only that, the Arabians were beaten in the streets as well. The Palmer Raids was instituted which allowed U.S. soldiers to burst into people’s homes without a warrant if the occupants were “suspected” terrorists. This is definitely not a “cordial” country and the government was and still is unjust.
            Paine’s thoughts of America generates the thought that he has never been to America. He hears the news but there is a huge possibility that it is false information.

Question 2: Environmentalist

The world will constantly consist of problems that aren’t resolved because of the way people perceive each other which can create widely known ideas. Looking at the two groups, the stereotypes shown that the two groups would be extremely difficult and maybe even impossible to have a productive nature. The satire Wilson uses in his book, Future of Life, show that America allowed politics to affect non-political issues. The differences between the stereotypes are not huge but the diction affects the perspective of the groups. The passage includes opinionated language which signifies that there is emotional appeal as well.
The tactic of categorizing environmentalists as crazy categorizes people and indicates that Wilson  is inputting his opinion and judging others so he utilizes emotional appeal and dictions because of the words he chooses to use. Both sides consists of name calling. Wilson explains that the first people criticize the environmentalists as “greens, enviros, environmental extremists, or environmental wackos” (lines 4-7) while the environmentalists call the people-first critics “brown lashers,... wise users, and sagebrush rebels”(lines 40-42) and  “hypocrites” (line 44). Then he uses words like “über alles” which means above everything else in German to describe the environmentalist as people who support and follow “unrestrained capitalism” (line 46).  Wakos only want “political power” and they have a “broad and mostly hidden agenda” (lines 6-7) because their goal is to “expand government.” (line 10) He utilizes these words to show that the environmentalists are immature and child-like.
The environmentalists criticize big businesses and corporates because they only cooperate in order to benefit themselves. “The anti environmentalists would be laughed out of the court if they weren’t tied too closely to the corporate power structure.” (lines 55-57) This shows that politics and networking as well as communication is essential. Wilson’s satirical language about politics expresses the way he feels about environmentalists. Wilson shows disapproval of environmentalists because they have  a “broad and mostly hidden agenda that always comes from the left” and the name calling, “wako” (line 7) are exaggerated by Wilson.

Question 1: Green Living

Green living is more beneficial to our society’s future. It is the future generations that will carry on our traditions, advance the world, and live in this world. The Earth must be changed for the better. There is never an unlimited amount of anything in live so resources must be used considerately. Resources are live people’s lives. People don’t live forever so during the time that they are alive they need to accomplish something and those people can go green so that they don’t leave more damage than there is already because it will be their children and grandchildren who will have to live in a world that is already corrupted.
Although we know that is everyone went green in the world it is a “utopian ideal” which “must aspire if life is to continue on this planet”(Source A). Without the mindset or goal of creating or fixing the world, our species will become extinct. Our colossal consumption of natural resources may be the fall of our planet. If the amount of natural resources become scarce, that affects everything else. It will be a domino effect. If a part of the chain is broken then everything else that is connected to the chain will not be something that mankind would be able to control. Also the fact that all the natural resources are being consumed indicated that the world is being harmed and it’s only a matter of time before Earth disappears. This is not a benign problem and it affects extraordinary things like the climate.
As the years have gone by, global warming, which a handful of scientists who believe it is a myth, occurred and is still going on today. The icebergs are melting and we are running out of clean water. Animals that use the snow and ice as land or even as homes are suffering and dying. The climate changes are caused by the natural resources we are using. Although the technological advancements are the beneficial consequences of the use of natural resources as well as the improvement of medicine, all this also leads to the “rapid population growth [that has] converged in a way that could make our planet dangerously unstable.” (Source C). The world is getting “hot, flat, and crowded.” (Source C). This is a sign that people have to start doing their part as a student must do a part by cleaning up after themselves in school. Plastic bottles and cans are being recycled and picked up is a indeed benefitting the Earth but it is because there is a motivation. That motivation is money. This has a similar concept as the Singaporean governments.
In Singapore, in order to use a car there are requirements that must be fulfilled and it involves money. There is an “annual tax that specifically punishes high powered gas-guzzling engines.” (Source B). The expensive prices of gasoline and the scarcity of gas leads to the people of singapore to ride the subway or the bus which is an ecofriendly way to get to destinations. These policies help the world as well as the people. They save money while helping the world become a better place. Although money affects the decision of the people, money motivates people. Not only can the people benefit economically but also physically. “Drive sensibly. Aggressive driving (speeding rapid acceleration and braking) wastes gasoline.” (Source F). Driving safely is a benefactor to people’s lives because it creates a safer environment scientifically and for everyone in the community. Plus insurance bills would not go up and there would not be outrageous hospital bills and a ridiculous cost to fix your car for those who do not have insurance. It even may be possible that gasoline won’t be necessary because of the technological advancements occurring.